
- 医師診察料
- 入院基本料
- 病室代(入院宿泊セットにお食事も含まれます)
- パッケージに含まれる治療費

- 入院基本料
- 病室代(入院宿泊セットにお食事も含まれます)
- 治療プランに含まれる治療費
大腸内視鏡検査 & 胃内視鏡検査
Colonoscopy & Gastroscopy - M.A.C.
Colonoscopy - M.A.C.
Gastroscopy - M.A.C.
Sigmoidoscopy - IV Sedation
Sleep study and sleep endoscopy (Single room occupancy)
Myringotomy and / or Grommets (1 night)
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) - (Bilateral)(exclude implant and mesh)
Thyroidectomy (Hemi)
Thyroidectomy (Total)
Tympanoplasty (Myringoplasty)(Conventional)
Tympanoplasty (Myringoplasty)(Endoscopic)
Myringotomy (with or without grommet)
Endoscopic Turbinoplasty
Septoplasty and Turbinectomy
Tonsillectomy + Adenoidectomy
Microlaryngoscopy with biopsy
Nasal endoscopy
Sleep study and sleep endoscopy (Single room occupancy)
Sleep study (Single room occupancy)
Laparoscopic Primary Unilateral Inguinal Hernia Repair (1 night)
Conventional Inguinal Hernia Repair (2 nights)
Ventral abdominal wall hernia repair (2 nights)
Mastectomy (Unilateral)
Wide Excision Breast Lumpectomy (Sentinel node biopsy)
Modified Mastectomy radical with lymph node biopsy
Mastectomy + Lymphadenectomy
Wide Excision Breast Lumpectomy (Sentinel node biopsy) + Axillary Dissection
Laparoscopic Appendectomy
Haemorrhoidectomy (Open)
Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy + THD+ Mucopexy (need to add H1-2B)
Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy
Conventional inguinal hernia repair (1 inguinal) (Open)
Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair (Unilateral)(exclude implant)
Trendenburg Stripping & Avulsion of Varicose Veins, Unilateral
Trendenburg Stripping & Avulsion of Varicose Veins [Endovenous laser ( Unilateral)]
Laparoscopic Hemi-colectomy
Dilation & Curettage (D&C)
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy & Uterine Curettage
Colposcopy & Letz Biopsy of Cervix
ERPC (1 night)
Abdominal Hysterectomy (Open)
Abdominal Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-oophrectomy
Vaginal Hysterectomy
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Abdominal Myomectomy (Open)
Laparoscopic Myomectomy
Ovarian Cystectomy(Open)
Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy
Normal Vaginal Delivery (Including forceps or vacuum delivery if required) - 2 nights
Elective (Pre-booked) Caesarean - 4 nights
Elective (Pre-booked) Caesarean - 4 nights (Sundays and public holidays, or during Typhoon number 8 or above)
Elective (Pre-booked) Caesarean - 4 nights (Specified auspicious time)
Emergency Caesarean Section -4 nights (with less than six hours’ notice)
Medical Intervention
Medical Intervention
Induction of labour (with room and meals)
Epidural or Spinal anaesthesia during labour
Anaesthetist (if anaesthesia is required during normal delivery)
Normal Vaginal Delivery Package - 2 Nights
Normal Vaginal Delivery Package - 2 Nights
Including forceps or vacuum delivery if required. Excluding anaesthesia package.
Normal Vaginal Delivery Package - 3 Nights
Normal Vaginal Delivery Package - 3 Nights
Including forceps or vacuum delivery if required. Excluding anaesthesia package.
Elective (Pre-Booked) Caesarean Package - 4 Nights
Elective (Pre-Booked) Caesarean Package - 4 Nights
Between the hours of 08:00 and 21:00, Mondays to Saturdays
Specified auspicious time or Sundays and public holidays, or during Typhoon number 8 or higher.
Must be booked more than six hours in advance. A pre-booked caesarean section will be classed as an emergency caesarean if admitted in labour or with rupture membranes or other health reasons.
Elective (Pre-Booked) Caesarean Package - 5 Nights
Elective (Pre-Booked) Caesarean Package - 5 Nights
Between the hours of 08:00 and 21:00, Mondays to Saturdays
Specified auspicious time or Sundays and public holidays, or during Typhoon number 8 or higher.
Must be booked more than six hours in advance. A pre-booked caesarean section will be classed as an emergency caesarean if admitted in labour or with rupture membranes or other health reasons.
Emergency Caesarean Section Package - 4 Nights
Emergency Caesarean Section Package - 4 Nights
With less than six hours' notice
Each additional night over package (including meals)
Each additional night over package (including meals)
Each additional night over package (including meals)
Antenatal Hospitalisation
Antenatal Hospitalisation
Daily room rate (extra charge for meals and related treatments)
Medical Intervention
Medical Intervention
Epidural or Spinal anaesthesia during labour
Induction of labour (with room and meal)
External Cephalic Version
Other items
Other items
Handling fees for collection of cord blood for stem cell storage service
Circumcision (For procedure performed on the maternity ward on newborns only, excluding the doctor’s fee)
Phototherapy (per day, depending on room type)
Hearing test for newborn
Additional charge on top of private room package for VIP room (for each night)
Postnatal physiotherapy services
Postnatal Physiotherapy treatment for blocked duct and mastitis (30 minutes)
Postnatal home visit by a midwife
(Baby and mother check, psychological wellbeing assessment, support network check and breastfeeding guidance)
For Multiple pregnancies 35% of the package charge is added for each additional baby.
Transforaminal Lumbar Inter Fusion, 1 level (5 nights)
Anterior Cervical Fusion,Single Level
Artifical Disc Replace, Single Level(3 nights)
Artifical Disc Replace, Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion
Microdiskectomy 1 level
Knee Arthroscopic Meniscectomy (medial OR lateral) +/- Osteochondroplasty(One leg, GA, Day case)
Knee Arthroscopic Meniscectomy (medial OR lateral) +/- Osteochondroplasty(One leg, GA, 1 night)
Knee Arthroscopic Meniscus Repair (medial OR lateral) +/- Osteochondroplasty (One leg, GA. Day Case)
Knee Arthroscopic Meniscus Repair (medial OR lateral) +/- Osteochondroplasty (One leg, GA. 1 night)
Knee arthroscopic ACL repair, single Meniscectomy (medial OR lateral) +/- Osteochondroplasty, (One leg GA, 1 night)
Knee arthroscopic ACL repair, single Meniscus Repair (medial OR lateral) +/- Osteochondroplasty, (One leg GA, 1 night)
Knee arthroscopic ACL repair, double Meniscectomy +/- Osteochondroplasty, (One leg GA, 1 night)
Knee arthroscopic ACL repair, double Meniscus Repair +/- Osteochondroplasty, (One leg GA, 1 night)
Medial Patello-femero ligament (MPFL) (GA)
Partial (unicompartmental) knee replacement (GA,3 nights)
Total knee replacement (GA,4 nights)
Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR) - one hip (2 nights/3 days)
Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR) - two hips (4 nights /5 days)
Total Hip Replacement (One hip)
Bilateral Total Hip Replacement (4 nights)
Upper or lower eyelids (IV Sedation)(1 night)
Upper and lower eyelids (IV Sedation)(1 night)
Breast Surgery
Breast Surgery
Bilateral breast reduction(1 night)
Breast enlargement - Augmentation (excluding implants)(1 night)
Breast reconstruction by Tram Flap (5 nights)
Exchange of Breast Implants Bilateral (excluding implants)(1 night)
Mastopexy - breast lift
Bilateral Otoplasty
Face Lift
Face Lift
Face lift(1 night)
Mini face lift(1 night)
Brow and mini face lift
Brow lift
Must be booked more than six hours in advance. A pre-booked caesarean section will be classed as an emergency caesarean if admitted in labour or with rupture membranes or other health reasons.
Liposuction 0.75 hour
Liposuction 1 hour
Liposuction 1.5 hours
Liposuction 2 hours
Liposuction 3.5 hours
Must be booked more than six hours in advance. A pre-booked caesarean section will be classed as an emergency caesarean if admitted in labour or with rupture membranes or other health reasons.
Rhinoplasty(1 night)
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck
Abdominoplasty with liposuction of abdomen (2 nights)
Day Case
Day Case
Circumcision (Adult / Paediatric)
Vasectomy - M.A.C
Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP)
Transurethral Resection Bladder Tumour (TURBT)
Cystoscopy (1 Hr)
(852) 2849 0355