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In accordance with the Hong Kong Government’s Preparedness Plan

Taking Measures:

  • Must wear a surgical mask when entering patient care areas and experiencing any respiratory symptoms
  • Please wear a surgical mask in all hospital areas and medical centres
  • Perform Hand Hygiene BEFORE and AFTER Visiting Hospital


Total care packages (include doctor's fees)

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Matilda International Hospital offers total care packages in different specialties inclusive of doctor fees, nursing care, room charges, essential medication and consumables of specific procedures. As medical procedures may vary depending on patients’ conditions, you can contact our Patient Service Centre to provide you the care packages that are not listed below. The personnel at the centre can also assist you in appointment booking and insurance matters, so that you could focus on the care and treatment.

Ears Nose and Throat

Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy

General surgery




Find a specialist with admitting privileges

Contact Patient Service Centre for enquiries, booking, or packaged care:
2537 7407



Matilda Medical Centre - Central

3/F, Prosperity Tower,39 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
(852) 2537-8500