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Important Notice

Alert Response Level

In accordance with the Hong Kong Government’s Preparedness Plan

Taking Measures:

  • Must wear a surgical mask when entering patient care areas and experiencing any respiratory symptoms
  • Please wear a surgical mask in all hospital areas and medical centres
  • Perform Hand Hygiene BEFORE and AFTER Visiting Hospital


During Your Visit to
Matilda International Hospital

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

elderly patient supported by nurse

The policy aims to provide direction to ensure that staff throughout the hospital assume responsibility for protecting patients’ rights. It also solicits collaboration from patients during their hospital stay to receive high-quality care conducive to their health.

Matilda International Hospital (MIH) is responsible for providing processes that support patients’ rights during care according to the general requirements of the Codes of Practices for Private Hospitals and Clinics Registered Under the Medical Clinics Ordinance (Cap. 343).

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Patient Rights

Patients have the right to be treated with dignity. All services must be delivered without discrimination based on age, sex, religion, culture, ethnicity, and disability. 

Patients have the right to receive timely, appropriate and accurate medical assessment, treatment and care. 

  • All communications and records related to your own care are kept confidential.
  • Unless with patient’s prior consent to disclosure, all medical personnel should keep any information obtained during the process or management of your illness confidential 
  • However, doctors may disclose your information to other relevant medical personnel to help manage the illness.
  • Your health information can only be shared with a third party only with your consent unless there is a court order. 
patient signing consent form
Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Patients' Responsibilities


To provide complete information about your present illness, past medical history and other relevant information.


To inform us of any changes in your personal record and if any information on your health record is inaccurate.


To cooperate with medical personnel on any mutually agreed treatment plan or procedure and to arrive for your appointment on time.


To not ask medical personnel to provide false medical information, to issue false receipts, sick leave certificates or medical reports.


To be aware of medical costs before admission.


To follow the rules stipulated by the hospital or clinics and respect the rights of other patients, staff and medical personnel. Violent acts or causing a nuisance could result in the hospital suspending your access to services.


To keep your appointments and give early notification if you are unable to attend.


To not waste medical resources unnecessarily.

The statement of Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities is posted in the patient areas throughout the hospital and clinic. It is also included in the patient directory and satisfaction questionnaire.

Patients and families are informed of their rights and responsibilities by the Patient Services Centre during admission.


For more information, please contact our Patient Services Manager:

Patient Services Manager
(852) 2849 0355

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Charter for Children in Hospital

(Adapted from European Association for Children in Hospital)

If you have any questions regarding patient rights and responsibilities, please contact our Patient Services Manager.

Day Case Units at Matilda International Hospital

Our Day Case Units are designed for patients who require simple procedures and brief stays. Our Day Case Unit provides various services and packages, and most patients can expect to go home on the same day.

Located on the first floor, the Day Case Unit offers private, twin, standard rooms in a bright, spacious, and comfortable environment.

doctor consulting patient

Our Day Case Services

  • Procedures Requiring Local Anaesthesia
  • Minor Surgery Under Intravenous Sedation
  • Endoscopy
  • CT Scans or X-ray Investigations
  • Ear, Nose and Throat
  • Orthopaedics
  • Cosmetic Procedures
  • General Surgery
  • Urology
  • Gynaecology
  • Pain Treatment
matilda international hospital exterior

Find Our Day Case Units

Visit our Day Case Units at the Matilda International Hospital.

Matilda International Hospital

41 Mount Kellett Road, The Peak, Hong Kong
(852) 2849 0111

Visiting Friends and Relatives at Matilda International Hospital

Visitor times are not restricted for patients staying in private rooms, although we ask that you consider the patient's need for personal time. For our patients in shared occupancy rooms, visiting time is between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. daily. We allow only two visitors per patient at a time to minimise disturbance and ensure they get adequate rest to aid their recovery.

Our staff will respectfully ask visitors to leave if they overstay their visit time and may ask them to step out for a moment should one of the patients require special care and/or attention during the visit. There is a lobby area on the 2nd floor if the patient prefers to greet visitors outside the shared room.

Children other than the patient's own who are under 12 years old, babies or any child with a fever and/or rash are advised not to visit patients. 

We request that visitors check with our staff on arrival to ensure it is an appropriate time to visit. We encourage all visitors to wear masks and perform hand hygiene before entering patient rooms. If you encounter a message on the door of a room asking to check with the staff, please proceed to the nearest nursing station to receive further instructions before entering the room.